Mark Grand Lodge Quarterly Communication
Tuesday 7th March 2023
Set off to catch the 10.13 train from Piccadilly to Euston, a trip I look forward to but it always feels a bit lonely on my own, however on this occasion I was checking the train times board when I spotted a man wearing a Mark Grand Stewards Tie, just like mine, he was in fact the Deputy Provincial Grand Secretary for East Lanc’s Mark, W. Bro. Malcolm McCarthy.  
I spoke to him, he pointed at my tie and said on your own come over and join us, there’s a group here from East Lancs. There was eleven brethren sat together chatting and they made me feel very welcome, once the train pulled out one of them came and found me, he said come along and sit with us, we have a spare seat. Well how nice was that, half an hour into the journey W.Bro. Steve Lord who had been a Provincial Mark Steward in 20/22, came round to everybody including me asking what would you like to drink, he wasn’t kidding either, he meant a proper drink, G & T, Brandy and of course in my case you’ve guessed, I’d like a whisky please. Following on from the drinks he then came round with food, meat pies, Beef sandwiches and even had Horseradish and Mustard, oh I nearly forgot the sweet, Eccles cake with a slice of Lancashire cheese.
On arriving at Euston we made our way to Great Queen St, I as usual went off for a mooch round, in no time at all everyone started taking up seats in the Magnificent Temple, the Grand Parade entered and then the meeting was opened in ample form. A lot of items were dealt with and then the meeting was temporarily called off which allowed representatives from some of the many Charities that the Mark Degree has supported during the past year to take up seats and view the couple of large screens which had been erected at either side of the entrance doors and displayed some of the tireless work done by the wonderful organisations and staff, many of whom are volunteers. Eventually the Ladies and Gentlemen  retired from the meeting and received deservedly loud acclaim from all present.
On the conclusion of the meeting everyone made their way to the robing rooms before finding one of the many bars for liquid refreshments before taking up their allotted seats for dinner in the Connaught Rooms, on this occasion I had to get back to Manchester to attend a family birthday so had to leave once I had taken a couple of pictures, as it happened it made no difference, I missed the train I was booked on and finished up on the same train as my West Lanc’s PGM, R.W. Bro. Keith Alan Beardmore and some members from the Province. (after paying again of course)
Once the train pulled out I was again invited to join up with my new friends from East Lanc’s, first thing once I had sat down was, “what would you like to drink”  followed by food yet again, We had great conversation all the way to Piccadilly, so much so that I don’t even remember looking out of the window, on arrival I thanked them for their kindness, wished them all well and a safe trip to their homes, here’s looking forward to the next Grand Lodge Mark Meeting. 
I think that was a good demonstration of The Magic Mark Degree.   
Notes for your Diary
Provincial Mark Grand Lodge. Winter Gardens, Spanish Hall, Blackpool Thursday 27th April 2023
Provincial Royal Ark Mariner, Assembly, Savoy Hotel, Blackpool. Tuesday 19th September. 2023
Grand Mark Investiture, Freemasons Hall, Gt Queen Street, London.  Tues 13th June 2023
Here’s looking forward to my next Mark/Royal Ark Mariner meeting to see old friends and those I have yet to meet.  You’re only a stranger once.
Words and pictures by Austin N Fletcher.  PGJD.   FSE No.1173